Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Dune Buggy Fund

I have always wanted a Dune Buggy like the one in the picutre below. A friend had one in high school and college and we had a blast driving it around. That was a long time ago but the feeling never left me. Now with Mighty Mo getting to the age where it might not be such a risk for him to ride with me and he might actually enjoy it, I decided to finally act on the thought instead of just dream about it.

Now what the heck does this have to do with conservation? Simple. I am going to buy it by recycling aluminum cans. Mightly Mo and I call this, "Our Dune Buggy Fund". It is going to take about one hundred and fifty thousand cans, close to three tons of aluminum. Minimum.

I already pick up litter when I am out, now I am making it work for me. Every day I come home with at least three cans. On a good day its fifty or more. I easily got past the ick factor of reaching my hand into garbage cans and yes I do leave cans that are filthy. Since I have started the Dune Buggy Fund, I have picked up at least three cans every time I go for a run and trying to find a way to carry them other than in my hands. I got an idea...

I realize that I'd like to get the buggy within the next year and the amount of cans I need it huge, so I may have to recruit my coin jug. As long as I am patient I can make a good buy. I don't think I will stop collecting cans after I get it so whatever I have to invest personally will be recouped eventually.

When you think about it, each can is worth between three and four cents. That seems so inconsequencal but when brought together, well its going to buy us a dune buggy. Think about all the diet soda, energy drink and beer cans that end up in the trash when they really can be a long term, low yeild savings account while being a good steward of the environment. Plus at over 35 miles a gallon, I would save around $100 a month driving it a few times a week.

I may at some point get organized and start reaching out instead of being self supported. Right now this is just the beginning.

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