Friday, August 22, 2008

Obama ain't Right

Stepping off the conservation platform for a moment to speak my piece on Barrack Obama. I don't believe this country could make a worse choice for President of the United States. This may be hard to believe but I don't think Obama is bad guy, not like Liberals hate (underscore, underscore) George W. Bush. I just think he is incredibly naive, self absorbed, and woefully underqualified for the highest office in the land.

Compared to not just to McCain but any presidential party candidate in the last fifty years, the Democratic candidate may very well be the most under qualified leader elected to the White House. Obama spent seven years as state congressman for Illinois, then 143 days as a senator before officially running for President. John McCain spent 23 years as a Naval officer, seven in captivity in the Hanoi Hilton, and then another 23 years as senator of Arizona. Where is the experience weighted?

Its hard to discern from written posts, so I encourage readers to find videos of the candidates. You will find that Obama without a teleprompter is completely inept at putting sentences together. Its not a weighting of words, but a waiting for words between the ums, uhs and ahs. Republican will concede Bush is not eloquent but he is does know his mind. Something Obama does not. Obama does not have the propre foundation of international or even national experience to competantly express his position. He is further hindered by not being able to articulately defend his extremely liberal, nay socialist, actions as a member of the state house.

John McCain has spent decades working with both parties to affect change in this country. He has solid conservative beliefs but is known as a 'Maverick' because he will not toe the party line. Obama is considered one of the most liberal senators currently serving office.

The whole concept of Obama is 'Change'. His entire campaign through this date has been platitudes without action. Slogans over new ideas. An Obama presendancy will set this country back thirty years because those are the numbers he touts when it comes to raising taxes on every American. Those making less than $14,000 a year currently pay no taxes under the 'terrible' Bush tax plan, (really its just coming back to you when you file) but even these people will people will lose that benefit under Obama.

Obama has no energy plan. He won't let us use our own oil resources and wants to sell off our strategic reserve. The only reason it will take ten years to gather newly drilled oil is because thats how long it takes to get through the lawsuits. Unstick those and with todays technology new oil production can be on the streets within five years, maybe three. In fact Obama is not even interested in letting already existing and drilled wells to be uncapped in the midwest for new oil. These existing rigs were capped in the 1990's because it wasn't profitable to use them when oil was $9 a barrel. Now it is profitable to uncap these wells, but he has said he will not allow it. His big idea is to recommend filling our tires with proper air and getting tune ups. Tune ups?

By the way, McCain will conserve more acres than Obama and his adminstration will be better stewards of the environment because they understand that to have a thriving, living forest you need to clear away the brush choking the bases of trees which spreads wildfires like a virus. McCain has said he wants to build over forty nuclear power reacters. I say, how about just one. Seeing as we haven't built a new one in thirty years and have even shut a couple down, lets not be greedy.

Notice I have not yet mentioned the attack ads. To numerous. To weak. Not worth mentioning by item.

I will mention that in his mid-fortys Obama is not very spry. Sure he looks good on a basketball court but has taken vastly more 'rest' days on the campaign trail than his nearly thirty years older opponent. McCain at 71, has the vip and vigor of a much younger man. Sure he can't lift his arms, how do you age gracefully after surviving a combat crash in enemy territory after busting both sholders and one knee then being bayoneted in the arm and groin and thrown in a torture camp for seven years. I still crike in my neck from sleeping on a plane last week.

You can hate Bush. You can say what you will about McCain. Face the facts. You know Obama hasn't got the experience to run this country. You know that compared to McCain, who you may hate for no reason other than he's a Republican, he can't hold McCains jock strap. He doesn't have the time spent in government, he does not have international connections needed on the global stage like McCain does have. Which by the way, when Obama was a simple state congressman in 2003, McCain was in the country of Georgia immersing himself in the geo-socio-politico culture and infrastructure that is now being attacked by our cold war enemy Russia. But you don't want to hear that, "Lalalalala, but Obamas better."

Don't vote on emotion, vote for experience. Don't vote for change for change sake, vote for what will make you wealthier and safer in this global economy.

Vote McCain.