Thursday, June 19, 2008

ANWAR vs. Solar

I got to thinking last night. Enviro-wonks counter the drilling in ANWR as too little oil, to long to wait. It will take ten years to get a drop into the pumps. In my opinion it may take ten years if the business of building the project is stalled with lawsuits and threats. I doubt there will be anyone chaining themselves to the landscape in a barren area like that.

However, I am constantly reminded that I could decrease my carbon footprint if I switched over to solar power for my house. If I generated a surplus I could even sell it back to the grid! I live in Phoenix and figured with as much sun as we get year round that it would be fairly cost effective.

Wrong. Even with rebates and tax incentives, out of pocket costs run well over ten thousand dollars. When I compared the various bids with my three year average energy bill, it would take me between ten and twelve years before I recouped that money. With the housing and oil market being what it is and portends to be there is no way I will do this.

Its not cost effective. To put another way, its well known that if you want a pool in this town, you buy a house with one already installed. You don't put one in yourself. The investment does not increase the value of home.

Lets start ramping up oil production that we can get to inside our walls. Lets start putting solar panels on new houses like England has done for several years. Lets build nuclear reacters and wind farms. Lets do it all. But lets do it now because when it comes to being green, you need to have green. And the future still ain't all that rosy for the pocketbook.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

3 Ways to Lower Gas Prices

I am one of the lucky Americans driving an American made car that gets over 20 mpg. And its a sedan, not some clown car. Even so paying $4.25 a gallon takes its toll, especially in a car/van household. The government is deadlocked, unable to move in any direction except that which continues to provide them lucarative taxation on every gallon that is pumped. The lunacy of this was seen recently when heads of American based oil company's were brought before the senate to be held accountable for thier 10% profit on their commodity Never acknowleding that the government taxes on that commodity far exceed the money made in profit by the company themselves.

Here is my three ways to lower gas prices. America must begin mining its assets on land and sea. It must build more refineries. It must streamline the blends of gas being made.

It is a misnomer that we will drill in ANWAR. Its an expedient description however the debated area is actually called the 1002 Area. This land was created in conjunction with ANWAR in 1980 to be used specifically for research and testing for oil and wildlife needs. This site, twenty five year ago, was known to be rich in oil and gas reserves and benefit for our needs. There is much debate by environmentalists regarding its proximtiy to the migration path of the porcupine caribou almost two months per year, however the Governor, senators and most natives all comment that the area is a wasteland. A barren area of land. The oil drilled from this area would decrease our dependence barrel for barrel against middle east oil, equaling an estimated 8 billion barrels.

One of the reasons the global price of oil has risen is the modernization and consumerism of China. Every year China increases its oil consumption and energy needs. As such it is very focused on securing oil rights around the world and doing so with great ease with leftist countries in North and South America. In 2006 China and Cuba began a joint operation to drill oil right off the coast of Florida. It is believed that this reserve could hold as much oil as the 1002 Area of ANWAR. With the advent of slant drilling which allows a wide area of drilling from a very small platform, China could tap estbablished American oil fields off our own coast. "I drink your milkshake"

Other areas of concern are known oil reserves along South America that China is working towards. With their finger on Cuba, their foot on the Panama Canal and their mouth in the ear of every leftist organization to our southern border, oil could very well be the impetus of the Monroe Doctrine 2.0

If the USA fails to secure its own oil interests other countries will surely secure them for themselves. It is logical to assume they will do so without the environmental concern shown by this country.

We may finally be getting a new refinery after a thriry year wait. Don't hold your breath until its open. By having more refineries available it serves many interestes. It strengthens our counter-terrorism abilities. We have seen the affects of just one refinery off line for a few days or weeks due to repair, imagine if deliberate steps were taken by our enemys to true damage our capacity. It will lower the costs of transporting fuel to states.

On the same track of refineries, the last nuclear reactor came on line in over a decade ago. Nuclear energy is a completely different animal than weapons manufacturing. It is cheap and by far the cleanest power produced for mass consumption.

Right now there are around 50 different 'blends' of gas used around the country. Twice a year all the refineries have to stop or decrease production to switch over to summer blends or winter blends, which were created federally or locally as an off shoot of the Clean Air Act of 1990 to reduce smog. Not all cities or states have blend gas, but those that do feel the pinch in the pocket every spring and fall. By eliminating blend gas, oil compnies would decrease their costs and that should, hopefully trigger a lowering of gas prices.

Its valid to watch the environmental concerns of business and hold them accountable to their actions. but let them act. The notation that companies after thirty years have not improved the technology and processes needed to provide our country with the life blood of the economy is riduculus. The vast majority of Americans want to have trees and parks in their neighborhood and know that its countries beauty is protected but it also doesn't want to be forced to take public transportation with their kids or have to pay exorbitant energy costs in the winter.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Dune Buggy Fund

I have always wanted a Dune Buggy like the one in the picutre below. A friend had one in high school and college and we had a blast driving it around. That was a long time ago but the feeling never left me. Now with Mighty Mo getting to the age where it might not be such a risk for him to ride with me and he might actually enjoy it, I decided to finally act on the thought instead of just dream about it.

Now what the heck does this have to do with conservation? Simple. I am going to buy it by recycling aluminum cans. Mightly Mo and I call this, "Our Dune Buggy Fund". It is going to take about one hundred and fifty thousand cans, close to three tons of aluminum. Minimum.

I already pick up litter when I am out, now I am making it work for me. Every day I come home with at least three cans. On a good day its fifty or more. I easily got past the ick factor of reaching my hand into garbage cans and yes I do leave cans that are filthy. Since I have started the Dune Buggy Fund, I have picked up at least three cans every time I go for a run and trying to find a way to carry them other than in my hands. I got an idea...

I realize that I'd like to get the buggy within the next year and the amount of cans I need it huge, so I may have to recruit my coin jug. As long as I am patient I can make a good buy. I don't think I will stop collecting cans after I get it so whatever I have to invest personally will be recouped eventually.

When you think about it, each can is worth between three and four cents. That seems so inconsequencal but when brought together, well its going to buy us a dune buggy. Think about all the diet soda, energy drink and beer cans that end up in the trash when they really can be a long term, low yeild savings account while being a good steward of the environment. Plus at over 35 miles a gallon, I would save around $100 a month driving it a few times a week.

I may at some point get organized and start reaching out instead of being self supported. Right now this is just the beginning.