Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowl: The Green Feed

I had my first energy drink evah, last night. Not bad. I've smelled it on enough breath to know what it would probably taste like. The last hour turned more into a spin class than anything else. Some great 70's and 80's music came up and people who weren't spinning were dancing. A bunch of ladies did a great Grease karaoke and a couple of people danced to Right Said Freds, I'm To Sexy song. Brave.

Here is the LINK to see what this is all about. Just click on the main box or the AMP energy event notice at the bottom.

I found that you can buy the trainers that generate the power. LINK Not a bad concept once I read up on it.

My thinking is that I could use this system, attached to a battery with an a/c connection to charge my cell phone, iPod, digicam battery's, sonic care toothbrush and electric shaver. I spend at least a couple hundred dollars on throw away batteries every year and could switch over to rechargeable NiMH batteries and recoup that money I think fairly quickly. The bonus being that they would be recharged by the energy I produced myself. They'd be totally off the grid.

Like all things 'Green' right now there is a cost offset. Meaning its more expensive than it probably needs to be but understand the originators are trying to make their money back on the investment and as the market becomes more competitive the prices will drop.

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