Friday, December 7, 2007

Santa lite

A prominent London newspaper has announced that Santa will not be allowed in some malls because he is a fatty. Santa needs to go on a diet. Gadzooks.

Do you really think children look at Santa with the same critical eye as they do Aunt Jane? Santa has been round like a bowl full of jelly for hundreds of years. Meanwhile the same youth watched Aunt Jane gain 80 pounds over the course of five years.

Yes the human race has an extreme problem with eating to much and not exercising enough. That being said, Santa is an icon known for his size. And by the way, according to the official historical records, (that being Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer), Santa has to be force fed in the last few days to gain the 'Santa' weight, which would mean once Christmas is over he loses the weight, which is more than can be said for Aunt Jane.

This is another case of aging baby boomers putting their adult contraptions on children. Santa is a pure spirit, not some overeating diabetic relative.

Transpose this with Halloween where 50 is the new 12. The reason teenage girls can only find costumes prefixed with 'Hot', 'slutty' or 'naughty' is because Halloween is no longer a night for children its a night for adults to think they are still children.

Whats next neutering the Easter Bunny?

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