Monday, December 29, 2008

Let the farce begin with light rail in Phoenix

The light rail system in Phoenix is going to officially open for business this week. A few days prior to this city altering event citizens are allowed to ride the rails for free. This started three days ago to much fanfare and praise from local news channels. One live remote showed a long line with waits, they reported, of two or three hours.

This morning it was reported that 150,000 people rode for free during the first two days of free use. In a city of five million people that equals 1.5% of the population each day. Now what comes to mind is this; the city estimated a usage level of between one and five percent of the population on a regular basis. That being the case, why is there a wait longer than twenty minutes, if a train arrives at each terminal every ten minutes? Who is going to wait more than that when its 110 degrees outside and the stations provide little shade and no air conditioning in the summer?

No one. And this is when its free.

Some other useful knowledge that has come to light is that the tickets are purchased on a 'honor system'. Tickets are bought at a kiosk, there is no turn still to board and no ticket taker at the door. An employee will randomly verify tickets when they are on the train. You are also not allowed to lay down. You are also not allowed to eat on the train. No picking up a cup of coffee and bagel at the Starbucks and eating breakfast on the way into work. The trains will stop running at 11pm seven days week. So if you were expecting to use the train to get to and from the bars on the weekend, tough luck, unless you want to leave before the band shows up.

So if I get this right, you won't be stopped if you ride without a ticket, there is no accountability there, but if your laying down hungover at 10:30 pm, then your getting the boot sight seen? I suppose with the political clout the light rail commission has exuded, they will ask that private businesses close their bars at 10pm instead of the trains running later. They are already asking tax payers to cover the $9 difference in ticket price and operating cost and the system is brand new.I can just pay my state taxes in gum removers and graffiti covering paint now?

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