Thursday, June 19, 2008

ANWAR vs. Solar

I got to thinking last night. Enviro-wonks counter the drilling in ANWR as too little oil, to long to wait. It will take ten years to get a drop into the pumps. In my opinion it may take ten years if the business of building the project is stalled with lawsuits and threats. I doubt there will be anyone chaining themselves to the landscape in a barren area like that.

However, I am constantly reminded that I could decrease my carbon footprint if I switched over to solar power for my house. If I generated a surplus I could even sell it back to the grid! I live in Phoenix and figured with as much sun as we get year round that it would be fairly cost effective.

Wrong. Even with rebates and tax incentives, out of pocket costs run well over ten thousand dollars. When I compared the various bids with my three year average energy bill, it would take me between ten and twelve years before I recouped that money. With the housing and oil market being what it is and portends to be there is no way I will do this.

Its not cost effective. To put another way, its well known that if you want a pool in this town, you buy a house with one already installed. You don't put one in yourself. The investment does not increase the value of home.

Lets start ramping up oil production that we can get to inside our walls. Lets start putting solar panels on new houses like England has done for several years. Lets build nuclear reacters and wind farms. Lets do it all. But lets do it now because when it comes to being green, you need to have green. And the future still ain't all that rosy for the pocketbook.

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