There was a time when the term rugged individual or renaissance man meant someone who was a free thinker, someone who developed a variety of skills, a person who relied on themselves to make it through the world.
Today it seems that we are only to believe in experts, authors and people introduced as authorities who know whats best for us. We are not to question these people. Rationale discourse is not tolerated. There is only the story, the facts can be manipulated. Do you know what an expert is? An expert is someone who knows a lot about a little.
The worst part about listening to these people is that they usually make you feel like crap; your a bad parent, a particular political or social situation will never get better because if it did you wouldn't listen to me, if you were victimized at some point in your life you'll be screwed up unless you do what I say. All this does is make you dependent on someone else whose only goal is to subvert confidence in yourself or society.
You are your own best expert in your life. All your personal problems can be solved if you do some very simple things; some of which are to own up to your mistakes and listen to your heart. Have a problem with drugs, sex, adultery, video games, gambling? There is a moment, a heartbeat before every thing you do that tells you its a good thing or bad thing. Sometimes this can be the same feeling but generally this beat in time is an eternity of conflict and debate that you either overcome or it overcomes you. But you have the choice to quit, get help or get out.
When you are having a matter of conscious on social issues do your own research. Have you heard there is debate on the issue of how to stop global warming. Maybe saw a movie on it. What have you done to come to your own conclusions? You don't need to be Einstein to be find your answers but you do need to be open to look at the other side. Not sure how you feel about abortion or taxes or gun control. Perhaps these social issues affect you directly and you have an emotional response to it. Does that make your decision any more valid than someone else who came to their own conclusion.
By relying on others to tell you what is right or wrong is not the long term solution because you eventually lose the ability to make decisions for yourself. Solving things by committee though sometimes necessary for the group, seldom benefit every person. That means you need to learn how to solve things for yourself by surrounding yourself with like minded people or reinventing yourself in a new view.
Our county was founded by free thinkers who were religious but created a government based on laws, not theology. They knew that to be as free as they wished they needed a higher power to guide most, but laws to guide all. That higher power would provide a map for personal inventory, accountability, honesty and generosity.
Be your own expert. Listen to your heart like our founding fathers did theirs. Even when you want to create your world in your own image be careful that that image isn't based on what someone else is telling you it should be.
Today it seems that we are only to believe in experts, authors and people introduced as authorities who know whats best for us. We are not to question these people. Rationale discourse is not tolerated. There is only the story, the facts can be manipulated. Do you know what an expert is? An expert is someone who knows a lot about a little.
The worst part about listening to these people is that they usually make you feel like crap; your a bad parent, a particular political or social situation will never get better because if it did you wouldn't listen to me, if you were victimized at some point in your life you'll be screwed up unless you do what I say. All this does is make you dependent on someone else whose only goal is to subvert confidence in yourself or society.
You are your own best expert in your life. All your personal problems can be solved if you do some very simple things; some of which are to own up to your mistakes and listen to your heart. Have a problem with drugs, sex, adultery, video games, gambling? There is a moment, a heartbeat before every thing you do that tells you its a good thing or bad thing. Sometimes this can be the same feeling but generally this beat in time is an eternity of conflict and debate that you either overcome or it overcomes you. But you have the choice to quit, get help or get out.
When you are having a matter of conscious on social issues do your own research. Have you heard there is debate on the issue of how to stop global warming. Maybe saw a movie on it. What have you done to come to your own conclusions? You don't need to be Einstein to be find your answers but you do need to be open to look at the other side. Not sure how you feel about abortion or taxes or gun control. Perhaps these social issues affect you directly and you have an emotional response to it. Does that make your decision any more valid than someone else who came to their own conclusion.
By relying on others to tell you what is right or wrong is not the long term solution because you eventually lose the ability to make decisions for yourself. Solving things by committee though sometimes necessary for the group, seldom benefit every person. That means you need to learn how to solve things for yourself by surrounding yourself with like minded people or reinventing yourself in a new view.
Our county was founded by free thinkers who were religious but created a government based on laws, not theology. They knew that to be as free as they wished they needed a higher power to guide most, but laws to guide all. That higher power would provide a map for personal inventory, accountability, honesty and generosity.
Be your own expert. Listen to your heart like our founding fathers did theirs. Even when you want to create your world in your own image be careful that that image isn't based on what someone else is telling you it should be.